+61 (0) 405 612 789 [email protected]

Training and Retreats

Mediation Training Focusing on Fluid Mediation Skills

Greg provides mediation training and supervision for novice and experienced mediators.

This includes:

  • A one day in-house mediation workshop for practising mediators focusing on relevant practice issues
  • A two-day workshop for practising mediators focusing on mediator fluid skills
  • A five-day retreat for practising mediators, negotiators and peace builders based on moving the focus from mediating the problem to mediating the moment.

All training includes a focus on fluid mediation skills including:

  • the art of being totally present in the moment;
  • intuition that goes beyond simple pattern recognition;
  • Meditation/Mindfulness;
  • Managing the challenge of being an irritant;
  • The use of time and space (Temporality, ‘The Third’, ‘The Field’)


  • The retreat is more content-driven than your advertisement suggests.   It is probing, thoughtful, enriching, and forces reflective thought on all aspects of tangible and intangible Mediator skills.
  • I really found the workshop to be greatly beneficial although the approach to teaching was different to what I expected. It was a wonderful inclusive experience.
  • The ‘intangibility’ of the content-the permission to explore; the ‘safe’ feeling of speaking up.
  • Opportunity to reflect, share with fellow professionals. The opportunity to learn, use space and the moment to explore.
  • The total focus on the art of mediation in a group of fellow professionals
  • To be able to share experiences with the presenters and colleagues in a supportive, nurturing environment